• Brain Connections

    St. Joseph's Healthcare

    City of Hamilton Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Services

    Offers resources to help understand how problem gambling affects the brain, and how to support recovery and relapse prevention. Additionally, provides tools for gamers, parents, and educators to mitigate potential harms from excessive gaming on developing brains.

  • Developing Effective Youth Advisory Councils

    Parks and Recreation Ontario

    The team at PRO shares how to be an effective advisor to youth advisory councils, including how to "get stuff done" utilizing a Positive Youth Development Approach.

  • Good Practices from Youth Friendly Communities

    Parks and Recreation Ontario

    Join the team at Parks and Recreation Ontario as they showcase examples of from across Ontario of real world examples of good programming and initaitives for youth age 13-19.

  • Healthy Relationships


    PREVNet is a national research and knowledge mobilization hub that partners with researchers and organizations focused on fostering healthy relationships among children and youth.

  • Bud Talks

    St. Joseph's Healthcare

    City of Hamilton Alcohol, Drug & Gambling Services

    McMaster University

    Bud Talks combines the expertise of researchers, clinicians, a learning design specialist, and a team of talented animators to break down the latest in cannabis research.

  • Measurements

    Search Institute

    A collection of surveys to better understand the thoughts and feelings of youths.

  • Mental Health Resource Hub

    Canadian Mental Health Association

    Resource Library

  • The Personal and Professional Contexts of Youth Work


    The lectures in this workshop unpack what “youth work” means personally and professionally and take up the question: what does “youth work” mean in terms of our professional practices and obligations?

  • Resources Hub

    Search Institute

    Explore free research-based tools, activities, measures and more so you can build lasting relationships where young people thrive.

  • Right Time Right Care

    Province of Ontario

    This resource document offers a collective vision for how schools and community-based child and youth mental health organizations can collaborate to provide a coordinated, responsive system of care. Co-created by leaders within both sectors – community mental health and school mental health.

  • What it Takes to be an Adult Advisory: A Youth Perspective

    Parks and Recreation Ontario

    PRO partnered with Wilmot's Youth Action Council to present a webinar on what youth look for in their adult Council advisors.

  • Youth Job Connection

    Government of Ontario

    Provides paid pre-employment training and job placements for youth facing barriers to employment.

  • YouthREX Knowledge Hub


    A comprehensive online resource offering over 2,300 curated materials—including toolkits, reports, and webinars—designed to support youth workers and organizations in enhancing youth well-being across Ontario.

We appreciate any suggestions of additional resources available for educators that we might not know about!

Thank you Ontario Trillium Foundation

YSAN is working for 12 months to rebuild and recover from impacts of COVID-19 to create training workshops streamed on a new online portal for youth sector staff and volunteers with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund.