Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Training
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
1 Hour Virtual Training understanding accessibility standards and compliance requirements.
Arts-Based Approaches to Youth Mental Health & Wellbeing
YouthREX in partnership with Broadview Psychology
Two-part, 2.5-hour virtual training on using arts-based methods to support youth mental health.
Brain Story Certification
YouthREX in partnership with the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
A self-guided, online professional development certificate for those seeking a deeper understanding of brain development and its consequences for lifelong health.
Cannabis and Mental Health
YouthREX in partnership with Cannabis & Psychosis
A comprehensive suite of online resources exploring a range of issues surrounding the mental health impacts of cannabis, at the individual, community, and societal level. Register for this free 90-minute course created by youth, for youth.
Cannabis and Youth
A self-guided online professional development certificate that provides youth workers with evidence-based information on the health, social and legal risks associated with cannabis use.
Centering Black Youth Wellbeing Certificate
4-week virtual training focusing on strategies to support and enhance Black youth wellbeing.
Child and Youth Care Programs
Ontario Colleges
Offers programs to prepare students to work with children and youth facing social, emotional, or behavioural challenges.
Critical Youth Work: Bridging Theory and Practice
Free professional development opportunity for youth workers to critically analyze key issues and explore options for creative and viable forms of transformative practices that support and strengthen youth wellbeing.
Cultural Competency: Indigenous Perspectives
Government of Canada
12 Hour Virtual Training improving understanding of Indigenous cultures and perspectives.
Developmental Assets Framework
Search Institute
The Developmental Assets Framework identifies 40 research-based, positive experiences and qualities that influence young people’s development, helping them become caring, responsible, and productive adults.
Development Relationships Framework
Search Institute
Developmental relationships are essential to help young people discover how to become their best selves.
Eating Disorders Training
Eating Disorders Ontario
Specialized training program aimed at improving service delivery through increased practitioner competence in identifying, assessing, treating, and supporting children, adolescents, and young adults with eating disorders.
Financial Literacy, Capability and Inclusion Curriculum
Youth Employment Services (YES)
This 2-module curriculum package will provide youth with the skills and knowledge needed to perform basic financial management tasks such as accessing inclusive financial services, saving, budgeting, filing income taxes, understanding debt, navigating credit and protecting themselves against fraud online.
Gender-Based Analysis+
Government of Canada
2-hour virtual training on integrating gender-based analysis into programs and policies.
Healthy Relationships Training Module
Gives adults the training they need to help young people develop healthy social skills. It emphasizes the importance of healthy relationships between adults, between adults and youth, and between youth, and prevents unhealthy relationships and violence among people of all ages.
How to Talk with Kids about Dying, Death & Grief Workshop
Home Hospice Association
In this free 2.5-hour workshop, you'll learn how to have age-appropriate conversations about dying with the youth in your care. You'll also gain insights into effective communication techniques to approach these discussions with openness, honesty, and understanding.
IAR (Identify, Assist, Refer)
University of Toronto
15-minute virtual training on identifying and assisting individuals in distress.
Identity-Based Bullying Online Training for Educators
An online training for educators to help them better understand how to prevent and respond to identity-based bullying.
It Takes All of Us: Cultivating A Relationship-Rich Organization
Search Institute
This training takes a look at the relationships within an organization, and then expands to focus on the adult-youth relationships that the organization strives to create.
It Takes Each of Us; Cultivating Developmental Relationships
Search Institute
This training allows for staff to create their own approach to developing relationships. Participants will use a variety of resources to analyze and reflect upon their approach.
Journeys InEquity Workshops & Trainings
Journeys InEquity
10-week virtual training series addressing equity and inclusion topics.
LivingWorks Start
Canadian Mental Health Association
An engaging and interactive 90-minute online training program. Designed to equip learners with essential skills, this course empowers individuals to recognize the signs of someone who may be contemplating suicide and effectively connect them to the necessary help and support.
Mental Health 101
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Virtual training providing foundational knowledge on mental health issues and strategies for support.
Program Evaluation for Youth Wellbeing
10-week virtual training on conducting effective program evaluations to enhance youth services.
Rebuilding Mental Health & Empowerment Curriculum
Youth Employment Services (YES)
Covers critical information around the relationship between mental health and unemployment, provides specific strategies that take youth mental health into account for succeeding at various phases of the job search, and creates an environment to have important conversations about mental health stigma and what self-advocacy looks like in the workplace.
Specialized Youth Entrepreneurship Curriculum
Youth Employment Services (YES)
Provides resources and tools for Employment Specialists to better serve youth exploring entrepreneurship as a career option – covering topics such as: social media platforms for business and social media marketing, the opportunity identification process and mental health and self-care for entrepreneurs.
Talking with Kids about Dying, Death & Grief - Certificate Program
Home Hospice Association
Designed for professionals working with young people, this online certificate program provides the tools and techniques you need to feel confident navigating conversations about dying, death and grief with youth in your care.
Using Spreadsheets in Program Evaluation
A free online certificate course about key concepts, tools and techniques required to manage, analyze and visualize quantitative data for a youth program evaluation.
Young People and Mental Health
University of Cambridge
On this five-week course designed specifically for young people, you’ll explore the most common psychological problems. Through personal stories, quizzes, and short assignments, you’ll develop the techniques to help manage and improve your mental health.
We Would Appreciate Any Further Suggestions of Training Opportunities Available for Youth Support in the Hamilton Region.
Thank you Ontario Trillium Foundation
YSAN is working for 12 months to rebuild and recover from impacts of COVID-19 to create training workshops streamed on a new online portal for youth sector staff and volunteers with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund.